Research & Publications

My research interests include contemporary African diaspora art practices, decolonial aesthetics and collective identity formation within visual culture, particularly among artists of Caribbean descent. My publication contributions include the edited volume New Frontiers in the Study of the Global African Diaspora by Michigan State University Press and the monogram "Visible Man: Fahamu Pecou".


“A Monumental Challenge to Danish History”

by Mathias Danbolt and Michael K. Wilson.  Kunst Kritikk. 4.26.2018


“Diasporic Dopeness and Fahamu Pecou’s Unapologetic Self-Representation”

by Michael K. Wilson. Visible Man: Fahamu Pecou. 2017.

Silver Medal (books & catalogues category) 2018 Southeastern Museum Conference Publication Competition.

“Visualising the Possibilities of Pan-African Aesthetics through Quilt Portraiture”

by Michael K. Wilson. Ubuntutu: Tributes to Archbishop Desmond and Leah Tutu by Quilt Artists from South Africa and the United States. 2017

“Because the Spirits: Visualizing Connective Consciousness through Diasporic Aesthetic Imaginaries.”

New Frontiers in the Study of the Global African Diaspora. 2018

“LaVaughn Belle: Visualizing Vocabularies of the Counter Archive. A Conversation with Michael K. Wilson.”

interviewing the Caribbean. Winter 2017


Artwork Publication

African American Studies: The Discipline and Its Dimensions

Mother and Child

Artwork Publication

Pinch Journal issue 41.2 Fall 2021

Crown 2 and Crown 3

(re)Configuring the Caribbean Pinturesco

by Michael K. Wilson. 2024


Artwork for Sale


Interviews, Panel Discussions, Studio Visits